This site is the result of the work carried out by the Krasnoyarsk “MEMORIAL” Society” over a period of many years. It represents an encyclopaedia of reprisals employed by a Communist government., a memorial for more than forty-thousand victims of political reprisals, whose fate was, in one way or another, connected to the Krasnoyarsk region.
Here you will find memoirs of reprised people, documents, that are connected with political persecutions, lists of persons who suffered from reprisals, photographies, publications …
page was first published on the 9th March 1998. We worked it out together with
the Maxsoft company, who have been supporting our activities for many years. We
particularly express our most sincere thanks to Viktor Vyasminov (designer) for
the outstandingly good and professional design, as well as Yelena Porokhnyava (Maxsoft),
who assisted us in transferring not less than 80% of all the materials on this
page from printed paper into an electronic view.
The materials compiled on this page are the result of the work of a small, but well cooperating team of the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” Society. Each of its members made his contribution and took part in this project in accordance with his special area of responsibility.
Editorial staff:
In the year 2003 we carried out a basic reorganization of our page. We redesigned the rubricator, an extensive German and English version appeared and the conception of the original page was modified. Having mainly drawn our attention to the catalogization of our archival materials and the publication of these materials during the first stage (1998-2002), we now have the intention to publish an encyclopaedic virtuel book on political reprisals that occurred in the Krasnoyarsk region, i.e. to record materials and “link” them (more than 3000 are already available) to the chapters of this book.
are grateful to the company “Gorod-Info”, who gave us the permission to use
some of their graphic elements on our page.
1998 our page was placed first on the occasion of a special nomination during an
All-Russian competition called “BISNESS-SAIT ‘98” (Novosibirsk).
our page was exposed as the page of the day at Russiatoday.
Copyright Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” Society 1988-2002.
Materials to be reproduced only when expressly referring to this page.
Contact address:
Telephone: (3912) 65-13-85, 21-34-02
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