Change from a totalitarian system to democratic rule and the role of heritage in this process The UNESCO Transition Project
The governance of the heritage, natural and cultural, is itself determined by the entire system of governance of the state.
The just governance of the state cannot be guaranteed if the spirit of participation, accountability and transparency is not part of the ethical philosophy of the state.
Broad processes of transition in many countries from a totalitarian regime to a democratic rule is a phenomenon of the present world.
Problems of transition process are not only of an economical or political nature. They include also social, cultural and environmental issues.
The complexity of these problems is given first of all by the extensiveness of the interference of oppressive systems in the lives of everybody involved, and of measures needed to repair the damage they caused, and to heal the minds and souls.
The global heritage, the memory of the past, must be an important element in facilitating the transition process by helping to understand its nature.
Universities, along with museums and other heritage institutions, can play an active role to help in the solution of these problems, contributing thus to the fulfillment of the objectives of UNESCO focused on understanding, tolerance and peace among people and nations.
Measures by heritage institutions must comprise urgent preservation of the memory of the totalitarian past, both tangible and intangible, and its documentation, with analytical studies.
The creative use of this past must be fostered through formal and non-formal education in the democratization of post-totalitarian countries.
Active participation of populations in the whole process will ensure objectivity and its human dimensions
Founding of the International Movement “From Oppression to Democracy” to support democratic transition in the world in 2000
Declarations of interest in the Transition Project Participants