Department chief of special funds and rehabilitations of the Municipal
Department of Internal Affairs of the region
the lieutenant colonel of militia
The archive was one of the first divisions created in structure of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of RSFSR. Necessity of his creation has been caused by need for maintenance of safety, account, ordering and use of the documents formed in activity of people's commissariat.
1. The documents formed in activity of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of RSFSR and also in activity of law-enforcement bodies, establishments, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation system, according to Bases of the legislation of the Russian Federation about Archival fund of the Russian Federation and archives, all these documents are in the state part of Russian Federation Archival fund. They are in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on temporary and deposit storage before their transfer to constant storage in the state archival establishments of Federal archival service of Russia system.
2. Terms and conditions of temporary and deposit storage, use of the archival documents from the system of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, accordance of data about archival work in the system of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are established by the Agreement between Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and Russia archive from June, 7, 1994.
3. Departments (branches, groups) of special funds are formed and operate for storage of documents from Russian Federation Archival fund, maintenance of their account, safety, necessary processing and use in structure of information centres of Ministry of Internal Affairs, Municipal Department of Internal Affairs, Department of Internal Affairs of subjects of Russian Federation. There is the Central archive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Main analytic information centre of it.
The regional archive of Municipal Department of Internal Affairs takes 7th place on volume of stored documents among 85 similar divisions of Municipal Department of Internal Affairs and Department of Internal Affairs of federation's subjects.
In the beginning of 2005 there was about four hundred thousand units of storage
including an affair of a constant period of storage, temporary storage and 113
sources of acquisition.
There are stored documents formed in activity of regional law-enforcement bodies
divisions only from the moment of Krasnoyarsk region formation - since December,
1934. There are also orders, archival private affairs of the dismissed employees
and pension affairs of employees.
Except for these documents there are archival materials on subjected to repression under political motive of persons. Last dates of stored archival documents are 1920-2005 (taking into account restored again on courts decisions and archival documents).
The whole groups of the population were exposed to reprisals for political, religious and social beliefs, national and other attributes.
There were up to 545 thousand person of 37 nationalities (without taking into account Kras camp and labour army) in places of imprisonment, in references, dispatches, in special settlements only in territory of Krasnoyarsk region during the period since 1929 to 1961
There is stored now over 141 thousand archival private affairs on the persons who are subjected to repression on political motives:
German settlers moved from former republic of Volga region Germans in 1941, from Leningrad and Leningrad region in 1942 and repatriated in 1945 from countries of Europe: Poland, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Romania;
Kalmyk settlers moved from Astrakhan and Rostov regions (58118 archival private affairs on persons of German and Kalmyk nationalities);
Exiled: men under the Decree from 2.06.1948, sectarians, family members of Native land traitors, socially dangerous elements, vlasovs, participants of Ukrainian nationalists organizations, exiled who have arrived to the reference after departure of punishment (more than 77 thousand);
About 30 thousand persons who have died in places of imprisonment;
Rehabilitated by various bodies (Supreme Court, Military board of Supreme Court) in 1955-1990 - 5872 affairs;
And also criminal cases from camp courts (including Norilsk camp, Yeniseisk camp, Krasnoyarsk camp of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), concerning persons condemned on 58 clause of RSFSR Criminal codes, and for the general criminal offences - 20112 affairs.
Unfortunately, not all documents were kept. So 11667 archival private affairs on dispossessioned kulaks have been destroyed in 1955 as not representing operative, scientific and historical value. Now there are only registration documents:
On exiled kulaks;
Poles moved in 1939-40 during connection of Western Ukraine, Lithuania, Western Belarus to USSR (lists on 22 thousand person);
On persons served time in Norilsk camp - 274.109 registration forms.
There are stored reports of extrajudicial bodies manufacture of 1935-1938 - 27 volumes.
There is no data about Greeks moved in 1942 from Krasnodar territory - 8300 person and the Finns moved in 1942 from Leningrad and Leningrad region - 2400 person.
Archival private affairs on subjected to repression and moved of Baltic in 1948 have been transferred in 1961 to storage in the Department of Internal Affairs of Latvia, Lithuania. We have only registration forms on 25526 persons.
Administrative supervision of subjected to repression persons was carried out in territory of the region by special commandant's offices. There were 193 to the beginning of 1952. Adult population and children who have reached 16-years age were set to the special account on a residence. In territory of the region such affairs have been got in 1949 and subsequently in 1956 have been transferred on storage to Department of Internal Affairs archive of regional executive committee, i.e. after removal from the account of special settlers and on liquidation of special commandant's offices.
Clearing of special settlement was carried out during the period since 1947 to 1961. But there were also earlier Decisions on the basis of which they struck off the register special settlement in connection with an appeal to Red Army, with receipt in trade schools and vocational schools. And also there were released participants of the Second World War, members of the CPSU and persons who have children, serve in Red Army, have government awards, etc.
Through millstones of reprisals has passed huge amount of our country population. Till now this figure is not final. And our intelligency has suffered as well.
Despite of all burdens of those years a lot of subjected to repression have found forces to go through these terrible years of reprisals and to achieve subsequently the work, persistence, talent for a general recognition. So, in our region following people served time:
Zhzhenov Georgiy Stepanovich - actor of dramatic theatre;
Vorontsova Lydia Vladimirovna - actress, wife of Zhzhenov G.S.;
Gvozdev Kuzma Antonovich - work minister of provisional government;
Vlasik Nikolay Sidorovich - general - lieutenant, former chief of central administrative board of USSR protection;
Todorovsky Alexander Ivanovich - chief of Military - air Academy RKKA;
Kramarov Victor Saveljevich - high quality lawyer (father of Saveliy Kramorov)
Shtilmark Robert Aleksandrovich - author of the book «the Successor From Calcutta»;
Shvarzburg Ananiy Efimovitch - musician (pianist);
Mihajlova Olga Stefanovna - actress, wife of Budyonny S. M.
Knipper-Timireva Anna Vasiljevna - artist, wife of Kolchak;
Maksimova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna - wife of Zorge;
Rubtsova Lubov Grigorievna - native of village Drokino; Emeljanovskiy area, poetess,
and many others.
Employees of a special fund and rehabilitations department have picked up and given archival documents on the basis of which museums and history rooms have been created in divisions of law-enforcement bodies of the region. The help in creation of "the Yenisei encyclopedia" is rendered.
Archival documents are constantly used by researchers for a spelling of master's theses, proceedings and publications in mass-media. And also representatives of the public organizations created with the purpose of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of persons, subjected to repression on political grounds use these materials. Employees of a department interact with museums of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of the region.
Automated information search systems "Chancellery", "Dispossess the kulak", "Poles - osadniki", «Norilsk camp» are created with a view of operative information search, reduction of terms of inquiries execution and acted correspondence.
Not less important problem of the department is realization of Russian Federation Law from 18.10.1991 «About rehabilitation of political reprisals victims» № 1761-F3. Purpose of it is rehabilitation of all victims of the political reprisals subjected in territory of Russian Federation from 25 (November, 7) October, 1917, restoration in their civil rights, elimination of other consequences of an arbitrariness and maintenance feasible now indemnifications of a material damage.
Rehabilitation is assigned to law-enforcement bodies by the law of those citizens who have been subjected administratively to the reference on political grounds, to dispatch, to special settlement, attracted to forced labour in conditions of freedom restriction, including working columns of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, and also another restrictions of rights and freedom.
The kept documents of subjected to repression on political grounds persons represent a scientific - historical value and concern to especially valuable and unique. They form a basis for decision-making of rehabilitation of subjected to repression persons and their restoration in civil and property rights.
For the period of action of the Law «About rehabilitation of political reprisals victims» employees of Municipal Department of Internal Affairs division of the region considered and executed more than 170 thousand references on questions of social - legal character. About half-million persons are rehabilitated on these questions. More than 40 thousand citizens were accepted on personal reception.
Work of division is carried out in close cooperation with enforcement authorities, courts of all instances, bodies of Office of Public Prosecutor of subjects of Russian Federation and CIS countries, law enforcement bodies, the state archives of the Russian Federation subjects, and also regional public, right protective, charitable bodies and funds.
There is still a lot of requests. There are 5044 applications of citizens and inquiries of establishments concerning 9180 persons on questions of rehabilitation and the archive-help information only from 9 months 2005. 1037 persons accepted on reception.
Taking into account that fact, that the pension age of settlers children will come in 2021 for men and in 2015 for women, it is possible to assume that references concerning rehabilitation will come and further. So archival documents will still be claimed for a long time.
People who present here probably addressed already to us as on questions of rehabilitation, confirmation of the fact of political reprisal, and also on other questions. I want to explain that the order of references to us for an information is general, i.e. applications or inquiries apply in written form.
It is necessary to admit that the account of persons in fund card files classified by family names, i.e. it is possible to inspect persons only with full data.
Archival documents on subjected to repression on political grounds are declassified. Now work on declassifying of other archival documents is carried out. It is necessary to have the form of the admission № 2 in case of work with classified document questions, since orders of organizational character have a security classification.
There is a problem with protection of the information with such category of documents. There is a list of data of the scramble documents determined by Normative documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
The address for written references: 660017, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Dzerzhinskogo, 18.
Reception of citizens on questions of rehabilitation of political reprisals victims and receiving of the archive-help information is carried out on the address: Krasnoyarsk, prospect Mira, 87, everyday (except for the days off and holidays) from 11 o'clock till 13 o'clock.
Phones for an information: 459-805,
Applications on questions of rehabilitation also need following documents:
1) The application;
2) Archival documents confirming the fact of political reprisal (if available);
3) Notarially certified copies of birth-certificate, marriage certificate (if
change of a surname).