the chairman of the regional public organization
«Krasnoyarsk historical - educational remedial and charitable organization "Memorial"
Lack of the information is one of the teacher’s problems who teach history, civic studies and study of local lore. Especially it concerns so-called «regional component». The organizations with the necessary information, not always have an opportunity to duplicate and distribute this information, since this is expensive business.
Know-how of the Krasnoyarsk society "Memorial" - compact discs for teachers (however, schoolboys, and students, and historians - researchers willingly use these CD’s as well). These disks allow to solve one of the basic problem - distribution of methodical and information materials. It is enough to tell, that the compact disc developed by us, contains over 5000 documents and 2000 photos, the cost price of one disk is less than ten roubles, and time of manufacturing of one copy - less than 10 minutes. We shall notice that about 1400 schools are in the territory of Krasnoyarsk region, and the computerization is carried out even at rural schools of Krasnoyarsk region. Since 2003 it is distributed over 3000 copies of the disk, i.e. about two copies to each school. It, certainly, does not mean that each school has this compact disc - we have not still reached all schools, and the active consumers of this disk regularly receive new copies (the disk daily replenishes, without any exaggeration).
Thus, there is an inexpensive and effective decision of the problem of the teachers’ information famine, especially «in peripheries».
The disk is prepared within the framework of the project International historical - educational remedial and charitable organization "Memorial" «The legal youth action «he Long echo. Human rights in the context of history and in modern Russia» with support of the European Union (Brussels) and it also contains the following materials:
The Information about Russian competition of the senior pupils’ historical works «The Person in history. Russia - XX century»
Conditions of 7th competition (2005/2006 yy)
Conditions, the methodical appliances.
The Collection of the methodical materials for teachers
Reports of winners
The Information about competition of history and social studies teachers «The Lesson about history of the political reprisals and resistance to bondage in the USSR»
Conditions of the fourth competition (2006) (Word)
The Book for the teacher. A history of political reprisals and resistance to bondage in the USSR. (Word)
School lessons by the theme «The History of political reprisals and resistance to bondage in the USSR»: According to the results of inter-regional competition of the teachers of history in 2003. (Word)
The Society "Memorial"
The Copy of the Krasnoyarsk society "Memorial" web-site.
The Bulletin of "Memorial" ¹ 24, devoted to the historical education.
The Booklet of the Educational centre of the Krasnoyarsk society "Memorial" (Word)
The releases of the Bulletin of the International society "Memorial" (Word)
David King. The retouched history. Falsification of the photos and pieces of painting in Stalin's empire
Paul Poljan. «Victims of two dictatorships. Life, work, humiliation and death of Soviet captured people and gestarbeiters in the foreign land and in the native land».
Chapters of the reference book about Gulag, concerning Krasnoyarsk region. (Word)
Let's tell about some sections in details.
The block «about the Russian competition of the senior pupils» contains not only conditions of the competition, but also some methodical appliances, concerning generally the preparation of the reports for the competition and the study of local lore. It is very important, that the disc has the collections of the reports of competition’s winners, because one of the basic teachers’ question is «how do winners’ works look like?».
The block «about the competition of teachers of history and social science» also contains, except the conditions of the competition, the book for a teacher (there are only thirty copies of this book in a "paper" in Krasnoyarsk region, but more than 2000 copies of this book have been distributed on CD). The collection of the winner’s reports is useful as the reference point for the participants of the competition, and also as the concrete methodical development.
Block «organization "Memorial”», besides of general "memorial" materials, contains the copy of daily updated web-site of the Krasnoyarsk organization "Memorial". This web-site has thousand materials about the history of the political reprisals in Krasnoyarsk Region territory - publications of mass-media, memoirs, certificates, documents, photos. It is important to note, that the historical reports of the senior pupils are also published on this web-site.
And finally, the block «Books» contains the literature by the theme of the political reprisals, not directly concerning neither competitions, nor activity of the organization "Memorial". (It is necessary to notice, that there are many books concerning the reprisals in the territory of Krasnoyarsk Region are also published on the web-site of the Krasnoyarsk organization "Memorial")
In October, 2005 there is the site developed by the Krasnoyarsk organization "Memorial" according to the book of David King «the Retouched history» has appeared on the disk. The web-site is the full electronic copy of the book and it is optimized for viewing in classrooms with the help of a projector. Certainly, the book can be studied individually.
If you have any questions and applications address, please:
e-mail memorial@maxsoft.ru <mailto:memorial@maxsoft.ru>
the Phone / fax (3912 65-13-85
the Post address: 660049, Krasnoyarsk, p.o. 25491, the Krasnoyarsk society "Memorial"
the Actual address: Krasnoyarsk, Uritscogo street, 61 (the House of a science and engineering), to. 4-27 (in company Maxsoft)
We thank Maxsoft Company and Vladimir Antsiferov for the help in preparation and distribution of disks.