S.N. Filimonova
Leninskiy district
School 11
Deputy director
It is very important to give right understanding of history for children in a modern school today. Why it is so important? Because it is impossible to go forth and solve a problem of modern day without critical analysis and reasoning of walked distance. Moreover, in a few years a present-day pupil should be solving a problem of our country.
How do we do this?
With the help of history lessons,
Making historical meetings,
Meetings with veterans,
Search and research activities,
Take part in competition of reports,
Excursions and so on.
Since 2004 our school ¹48 became gymnasium ¹11 and it is one of the first schools of the right bank. It was founded in 1936 and it has a rich history. History of our country can be seen through the fortune of teachers and pupils of school and their parents in school museum «Memory». During meetings with veterans of our school we know a lot of their life-stories. Like this, we knew about Pel Igor Polikarpovich who was a teacher of literature during 20 years. He was representative of teacher’s dynasty in Krasnoyarsk region. His father Polikarp Leontievich began his way in country school, then he became a governor of Kraiono and he was repressed in 1935, perished in 1937 and in 1955 he was rehabilitated. Igor Policarpovich told us that he could not enter the university because of his father who was an «enemy of nation». But nevertheless he got the high education. (He was wonderful teacher! Think so those who were taught by him and who were worked with him.)
When The Great Patriotic War began the graduate of the «fiery class» Valentin Sizich went to defend the fatherland and he was perished near Moscow. Before the war he lived with his grandmother because his parents were repressed.
Vladimir Korneevich Ekkert and his wife Zoya Dmitrievna Gromova worked for many years. (She took part in The Great Patriotic War.) Vladimir Korneevich was deported from Volgograd region and he had travel limitations. He was a translator.
About her parents told us their daughter Natalya Vladimirovna Agapova. She told about hard lot of her parents proudly, shown family photos, certifications, references and so on.
How they lived, what they dreamt about, the atmosphere of past time we find out during meetings with their relatives. And it means that we find out the history of our country closer.
Elena Anatolievna Pinchukova was a young teacher of geographic. She worked in our school. But suddenly, children find out about her family which was repressed before the war. Children look different at those who surround them and at the history of the motherland.
The school museum «Memory» contains a lot of information about Stalin’s repression. Teachers use this information for lessons and for out-of-class activities. Students of senior classes keep their essays in museum. They used them in school conference, took part in Russian competition «Human in a history. XX century». In one of such works pupil of 11th class Maria Chernyakova described history of her relatives which were repressed in 1928 from Altai region. They lost everything but they were not broken.
«Safronovs declined to enter a kolkhoz. May be it was a fatal mistake and they should be resigning to circumstances and just drift… In 1930 Grigory Ivanovich was arrested as speculator of meat. All his property was confiscated. All members of his family were exiled to the north of Krasnoyarsk region. But authorities considered that exile was too mild punishment. But exiles were not taken to the place. They were just thrown in the middle of taiga in 10km near the Angara. That place called Rudnick Solyoniy. In winter they lived in dug-out. I was forbidden even to hunt. Grigory Ivanovich should hunt secretly to feed his family. He brought his plunder in the settlement at night and hid it. Grigory Ivanovich was in a close relation with one militiaman. Once he notified that Grigory Ivanovich should leave the settlement and hide anywhere. This notification saved grandfather’s life. While he was absent all men in the settlement were shot. Grigory Ivanovich’s family survived because they were very close and always helps each other. They worked and didn’t find who were guilty in their troubles and adversities».
This story has a deep effect, hasn’t it?
Can we read these lines indifferently? These pages of history will remain firmly in our memory.
May the victims of repressions rest in peace?
Light up for them your candles, bend your knees,
Let their names be cut in hearts of ours,
And we shall keep them till the final hours!
Maria began her work with this poem of Povolotsky B.T.
As much people as fortunes!