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Conditions of detention in Tsarist and Stalinist penal camps

Book of Memory to the honour of the victims of political repression in the Republic of Khakassia. Volume 1

Comparison chart
Conditions of detention in Tsarist and Stalinist penal camps*

Tsarist penal camp Stalinist penal camp

Daily food norm

Standard for all prisoners, independent of the fulfilled job norm Upon fulfilling of 90-100% of the job norm
Rye bread – 819 g Rye bread – 750 g
Meat – 106 g Meat – 21 g
Filletted bacon – 21,6 g Vegetable fat – 9 g
Pearl barley – 50 g Groats – 80 g

Holidays (leave)

All Sundays and orthodox holidays No holidays

Duration of a work day

In the summer – 11 hours Throughout the whole year — 11,5 hours
In the winter – 7 hours (with a 2 hours‘ break)  
Off the hours of work, the convicts are kept under lock and key and chained The same but without chains

Exchange of letters

Letters are controlled, no limitations apart from that Any contact to the outside world is forbidden

Reduction of the term of detention

Possible reduction of the term of detention due to good conduct as per Law dated the 31.07.1870, the detainee is allowed to apply for his transfer into the status of a settler and take in his family after having served part of his sentence. No liberizations envisaged

* Taken from materials of the Museum of Local Lore of the Republic of Khakassi
