He lived at Lugansk district i.e. at a nothern part of the so-called Donbass,
in the close North-East of Ukraine. Sept. 8, 1941, his wife (Natalia, b.1903)
and children had been deported to Kazakhstan. It's quite possible that he had
been deported with them initially, yet "overview" states he had been sent to "labour
army" directly. In our region exiles of German origin (adults) had been captured
(sent) to "labour army" camps in January 1942 mostly, yet some of them 2-3 month
Karpinsk is placed at Ural. There were large coal-mining works (on surface, not underground). Yet H.Strunk wasn't kept in a coalmining camp. His camp worked at the "famous" BAZstroy - Bogoslovsk aliminium plant construction site, near town Karpinsk too.
He had been arrested in that camp December 17, 1941, "by suspicion of having connections to intelligence bodies of Germany". Then he was imprisoned in Sverdlovsk (district center, now Katharinenburg) and he died there August 19, 1942 not having been convicted at a time.
He has been rehabilitated (cleared, what equals statement the accusations were phoney) by Sverdlovsk district Persecutor office September 2000 i.e. as a result of our request.