A staggering book recently saw the light of day. Its author is Viktor Genrichovich Fuchs , who was the very first head of the regional all-Russian organization of the Russian-Germans called „Wiedergeburt“ („Renaissance“).
The author of „Black Raven“ lived to see everything in his life: the war, the belief in Stalin, the organization of the Young People’s Communist League, Communism and, finally, labour camps and all kinds of disreputability and maledictions of his home country. He was forced to go through all this, nonetheless he never stopped loving Russia.
„Black raven“ is the second book written by Viktor Fuchs; the first one was titles „The fateful journey of the Volga-Germans“. He decided to write this book, granting many people a request, who had suffered the same hard lot, but who were not talented enough to get their memoirs and experiences into some written form.
He was so often asked to appear in public, hold speeches, tell about the past, write letters that he was finally convinced that it would be much easier to write a book. The Foundation of rehabilitation and support of the victims of Stalinism and former forced labourers in the trudarmy gave him all necessary assistance allowing him to publish the book.
The biggest demand for the book came from the Volgograd and Saratov Regions, where there is a considerable concentration of Russian Germans in one area.
„Krasnoyarsk Labourer“, 11.12.1997