This was informed to “Echo Moscow” by V. Chernykh, head of the municipal department of social policy.
He said that already more than half a year ago an initiative group of the Communist Party had addressed to the authorities with the proposal to re-erect the Stalin monument which was in Krasnoyarsk in earlier times.
By means of the mass medis the matter developed into a heated public debate, but the idea did not get any clear support – according to Chernykh, more than half of the citizens who reacted to the proposal, declared themselves against the erection of the monument. The human rights activists are also strictly against. The municipal authorities, however, confirm that they also received numerous letters by veterans, who frankly spoke for such a memorial.
V. Chernykh furthemore underlined that the town administration has already looked for several places where to raise the memorial, but has not yet dropped any definite decision.
Next week the advisory committee of the town administration is going to meet in order to discuss, among other subjects, the possibilities of re-erecting the Stalin memorial.
In case the decision does not appeal to the initiative group, it can direct itself to the town planning commission, and if those do not show any understanding for their request, either, they still have the possibility to appeal to the municipal council, said V. Chernykh.