According to the information of the “Press-Line” newspaper the Krasnoyarsk opponents of the raising of a Stalin statue have once again tried to attract the attention of society. “The mayor wraps himself in silence, but we won’t” – under this motto members of the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” organization recently held a briefing. Since the 25th of April activists of the organization are collecting signatures against the erection of a Stalin monument in the town center. About 3000 signatures have already been collected in the course of the action, but there has not been the slightest attention or reaction from the part of the officials and the mayoralty yet. Nevertheless the members of the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” intend to continue their fight, for they are of the opinion that “the raising of a Stalin bust will be an absolute disgrace for the town” … “During the Great Patriotic War 34000 soldiers from Krasnoyarsk died at the front, and on the orders of Stalin more than 12000 people were executed in 1940 alone. We would accept the erection of a monument of the tyrant, if close beside they will raise a stele showing the names of all vistims. However, Stalin’s followers will hardly consent to such a variant”, said the chairman of the “Memorial” organization, Alexey Babiy.
“Today’s Newspaper”, 05.05.2005