Newslab reports that a seminar is going to take place in Krasnoyarsk on the 19th and 20th of November. It was organized by the Russian Citizens’ Center of Nuclear Non-Proliferation with the co-operation of the Krasnoyarsk Human Rights Organization “Memorial”. The seminar is dealing with the subject of “The Internet Resources of the NGOs – an Important Instrument to work with Mass Media and the Public”.
As Politikantrop reports, the head of the Citizens’ Center of Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Vladimir Mikheev said that “ under the present conditions, since the Russian government has been increasing its pressure on the activities of independent mass media, the internet resources of the NGOs should and must become the main instrument of their public relations”.
- Recently, the government has shown its presence on the internet sector in a particularly active way. Thus, the Federal Agency of Nuclear Energy of the Russian Federation (Rosatom) is busily realizing a new strategy in its information policy. In a certain way one might call this a rehabilitation program of social consciousness towards nuclear energy and the commercial aims and activities of Rosatom.
The official websites play a key role in the explanation of the activities of Rosatom, being the most important electronic mass medium of the nuclear branch to pass their information to the Russian public. Moreover, the internet resources of the Rosatom enterprises and organizations pursue their necessary information policy in a very determined way. Apart from this, the Federative Agency of Nuclear Energy founded an “Information Center” in December 2004, which is, in fact, nothing else but a Center of Nuclear Propaganda …
As report Regnum-Knews, the seminar, which is going to take place these days in Krasnoyarsk, will be attended by representatives of non-governmental ecology organizations from Dimitrovgrad, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Moscow, Tomsk, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk and even from the Murmansk and Chelyabinsk regions.
The chairman of the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” Organization, Aleksey Babiy, says that this seminar was going to be held with the purpose of instructing and training the members of public organizations, i.e. those disposing of anti-nuclear websites in order to efficiently use them for their work. As underlined Babiy, “the websites of non-governmental organizations slightly differ from commercial websites. In this connection it is imprtant to demonstrate the possibilities of how to obtain remarkable results by only slender means. The seminar consists of two parts. Today we intend to talk about how to organize and design a website in general, and tomorrow we are going to demonstrate how to “get it I motion” and use it for one’s work”.
hro.org 20.11.2005