As soon as navigation sets in again, the statue of the “Father of the peoples” will be transported to the village of Kureyka by water, where the legendary generalissimo spent the years of his tsarist exile. We remind the reader that just in that very place in Turukhansk District there was Stalin’s famous Pantheon, which, between the 1960s and the 1990s gradually fell into decay. The initiator of the creation of the statue was the entrepreneur Mikhail Ponomarev, who has the intention to erect a monument to the Soviet leader.
According to the latest information received by “Press-Line”, the statue, which is 5 meters in height and weighs about 2 tons, was made of concrete, glass and polymers. It is an excact copy of the sculpture, which stood in Kureyka in former times. It shows young Stalin dressed in a greatcoat; in his right hand he is holding a newspaper, while his left hand is put between the revers of his coat.
RIA “Press-Line”
01.06.2006 17:42:20
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