To this date family members of those who were executed during the years of
repressions do not know, where to pay their respects to the remains of their
dead relatives, who were to suffer under Stalin’s terror. I heard that a huge
grabesite was discovered in the district of the Krasnoyarsk aluminium plant many
years. But the authorities kept this fact a secret.
I. Sidrov, Krasnoyarsk
COMMENT given by Aleksey Babiy, chairman of the Krasnoyarsk „Memorial“ Organization::
- We may IN FACT hazard a guess that executed individuals were buried on the territory of the Krasnyarsk aluminium works, which was still situated far behind the town at that time.
Long-time residents from Korkino at least report that motor vehicles were permanently approaching the site at night and that new burial mounds showed towards morning. According to evidence given by numerous eye witnesses, the grave site was opened early in the 1960s when they began to excavate the ditch for the foundation to build the factory. The place was then immediately surrounded by militiamen. A tip truck was ordered immediately and the remaining bones were loaded on the truck by means of a shovel excavator.
I fear that they simply took them to the waste dump and hastily buried them deeply into the ground.
We tried to find traces about this in the Archives of the Federal Security Service and the State Administration if interior affairs, but our search ended without any result. I assume that any documents giving evidence about the exact burial place were destroyed.
According to existing law, however, the public prosecutor is obliged to institute legal proceedings and have furnished an opinion in case the burial place is being concealed.
And why should they continue to keep this matter secret ? We do not need any details; what we need is the acknowledgement of the fact that people were buried in this place, so that we have evidence where to put up some memorial stone or tablet or a cross. To do this in 2007, exactly 70 years after the “Great Terror”, would be a very apposite action.
Arguments and Facts on the Yenisey, 08.08.2007