Since the coming into force of the law „About the rehabilitation of victims of political repressions” (1991) the regional public prosecutors have verified 37.000 archival files and reestablished the good reputation of the respective persons, who were all sentenced wrongly.
This list shows more than 52.000 surnames. 7858 individuals among them are children, who were also acknowledged victims of repressions, who either stayed together with their parents in places of detention, definite or indefinite exile or special resettlement or who were deprived of parental care when the ywere still under age. At present the verification of criminal files subject to this specific category is drawing to a close; consulting hours concerning problems of rehabilitation are held by the regional preosecutor’s every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Street of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat N°23).
The regional procecutor’s appealed against the regional Law N° 12-2711 of the 10.02.2004 „About measures of social support of rehabilitated persons and persons acknowledged victims of political repressions”, which, based on federal legislation, limits the group of people, who are entitled to social welfare. By order of the regional court dated the 25.08.2008, the motion of the public prosecutor’s was accepted and the regional law amended accordingly. All rehabilitated (from the day, when the received their certificate of rehabilitation) persons residing within the Krasnoyarsk Territory are entitled to social welfare, regardless of whether they have already reached the retirement age or belong to the category of disabled persons.
Early in October 2009 the Legislating Assembly passed the Law “About procedural methods with the registration and procurement of housing space for rehabilitated persons and their family members, who lost their houses or apartments due to political repressions, in case they decide to return to their previous place of residence in the Krasnoarsk Territory”; the law is coming into effect today, on the 30th of October.
As we are no doubt aware, the wave of repressions also affected the organs, which were in charge of law and order at that time. In 1938 the regional NKVD authorities arrested 11 members of the public prosecution department and the law-court in order to prosecute them; among them there was the public prosecutor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory E.S. Liuboshevskiy, the former public prosecutor of the region (on the day of his arrest he held the office of a public prosecutor of the prosecution department of the RSFSR) Y.P. Kovalenko, the assistents of the public prosecutor – N.F. Lidvanskiy, R.Y. Krynskiy, A.M. Yakubovich, N.P. Cherepov, the Krasnoyarsk prosecutor N.V. Shipulin, the public prosecutor of the Novoselovo District G.A. Shalaginov, the chairman of the regional court M.A. Vinokurov, the people’s referee of the Novoselovo District F.F. Parshuto and the secretary of the regional court M.M. Yablonskaya. The were all sentenced on the political section 58, although all their guilt exclusively consisted in their refusal to produce “far-fetched” bills of indictment, in order to accuse entirely innocent people of counter-revolutionary crimes they had never committed.
Yelena PIMONENKO, Assistent of the regional public prosecutor
„Krasnoyarsk Labourer“, 30.10.09