It is beyond Mikhail Ilnitskiy’s means to undertake any steps for the
improvement of his health, which has been spoiled by deportation, exile and a
life in tents and dug-outs since the third year of his life. He does not have
the means to visit the grave of his mother, who – with six children tied to
their mother’s apron strings, strayed through the same confusion of exile. And
it is and will be an unrealizable intention to pay a visit to his sisters,
either, who at first, during their early childhood, were dismembered and put
into various children’s homes and later were doomed to spend their lives in
different towns.
During the past years the State has been trying to conscientiously settle its debths to the victims of political repressions. Last year yet, a trip to one’s relatives was subject to adequate refunding. Mikhail Yemelyanovich received 9500 Rubels. But then the second wave of monitarization overran the country, and instead of more than 9000 Rubels, he now receives 300 per month. However, the government commented, this amount was now available for all of them. Just 15% of the rehabilitated persons undertake trips in Russia, and they are, as a rule, people who live in towns. Village people, however, usually do not make any use of the financial means approved for this particular purpose.
300 Rubels for a an entirely ruined life are quite a sparse sum. And the regional government is very well aware of this fact. Hence, the victims of political repressions still have the possibility to get medical treatment and a stay at a health resort or sanatory at no charge and go to their suburban dacha by public transport without having to buy a ticket.
However, it is more convenient for Mikhail Yemelyanovich to keep up human relations with his sisters by phone. Elsewise he would have to collect all kinds of documents and then direct himself to the municipal adress bureau for help. This is a troublesome and exhausting venture and there is no guarantee at all that the matter will end successfully. But, of course, this is the second option one can chose.
Natalia Kovalchuk
Russia-1, Krasnoyarsk, 22.01.2010