In some districts of the city of Krasnoyarsk bills showing the portrait of the former Soviet leader Josef Stalin are planned to be posted on the 9 May – Victory Day. This information has meanwhile been confirmed by the regional Communist Party section.
At present, they are defining the exact number of bills, as well as the places, where these bills are to be posted, - announced Petr Medvedev, first secretary of the regional Communist Party committee and deputy of the legislative assembly during an interview with “Press-Line”.
„This is not just based on appreciation from the part of the Communists. The past year was marked by Stalin’s 130th anniversary and one thing then became very clear: the attitude towards this man has changed. More and more people tend to an impartial, reasonable matter-of-fact grading of Stalin’s personality”,- Medvedev explained.
Let us recall that, a few years ago, the Communists tried to put up a Stalin bust in Krasnoyarsk, but they were not allowed to realize their plan – the authorities offered resistence.
We would like to add that Josef Stalin governed the state from 1929 till 1953, i.e. also at the time when the Great Patriotic War was on (1941-1945).
Anna Artman
30 March 2010 17.11h