Our reader Ivan G. from Achinsk would like to know in details about the project „What the heart recalls“, within the bounds of which the Krasnoyarsk Museum Complex of Culture and History recently presented the book „Moments of History“, a book dedicated to political repressions in the USSR.
We have already written about the presentation of the book. However, the meaning of the project as a whole can be described best by its curator, the scientific deputy director of the Krasnoyarsk Museum Complex of Culture and History – Valentina BONDAREVA:
- We have already taken up the issue of political repressions in 1997. The very first who followed this idea was the well-known human rightist Vladimir Georgievich Sirotinin, who has been working for our museum for more than ten years, spent an immense amount of time in archives and collected materials for a huge data base. Due to his activities and based on the archival holdings of our museum, the Krasnoyarsk „Memorial“ organization was founded - one of the very first of its kind at that time, which nowadays belongs to the leading regional organizations in Russia. The subject of political repressions is closely connected to our museum, however, depending on varying tendencies of time, the approach and practical handling with regard to the subject matter in question have changed. Hence, since the year 2000, we are carrying out the action „Light a candle“ once a year. Nowhere in Russia this project was ever realised to such an extent as it happens here in Krasnoyarsk. People come here to take part in the event from other districts of the territory, from other regions of the country, from the Baltic States, and last year we even had ten guests from Germany (former repressed Volga Germans). We are working under the protection of the regional Ministeries of Culture and Social Welfare, which, in particular, organize busses for those who would like to attend the event, although they live in other districts. The Yenisey Steamship Company makes available the free use of a cutter for the yearly commemoration ceremony, in the course of which wreathes are lowered to the river Yenisey.
The project is subject to permanent innovations; we have our own publications, organize meetings closely connected to the subject of repressions, hold conferences and have movie screenings. Whenever we talk about about the sad past, activating the people to learn their lesson from those times, we strive not to impose any preconceived opinions, argumentations and conclusions on them, but, in fact, try to encourage them to reflect themselves, to form a view on how our society could become more democratic and keep a closer relationship to the people. We will not find an appropriate solution for this problem without knowing about our history, without witnessing and commiserating. We are far away from the position of merely assigning blame; instead, we passed on to the position of dialogues and general discussions with the citizens. And previous methods are being replaced by a new interactive language, a language of contemporary art.
Our museum represents the methodic center of all museums of the region, and
the subject of political repressions became one of the permanent issues of the
district museums which we are closely cooperating with. In the past year we
organized two methodic workshops for the first time; one was held in the
premisses of the museum in Birilyussy about general problems of project planning.
The project „What the heart recalls“ developed into a real network – reaching
far beyond the Krasnoyarsk Museum Center and even beyond the region. Thus, the
collected edition „Moments of History“, for example, shows materials from
different Russian regions. We are partners of the „Memorial“ organization and
the Andrei-Sakharov-Center, and since 2005 our museum is also a member of the
International Coalition of Sites of Conscience. This is a very authoritative and
competent organization, which comprises a huge number of museums all over the
world, and being one of ist members means quite a prestige.
On the occasion of the Day in Commemoration of the victims of political
repressions, which is going to take place, as usual, on October 30, we will
prepare a large exhibition. We also plan to held a conference, we will have many
guests – from the „Perm-36“ Museum among others, which we are also cooperatin
with. Our municipal museums will be presented, as well.
Local history is to become one of the priorities in our further development.
„The Krasnoyarsk Labourer“, 21.07.2010