Liudmila Aleksandrovna‘s father was a military doctor – his armee was destroyed near Krasnoyarsk by the Bolsheviks during the Civil War. Afterwards he medicated sick persons in the cantonment, the military village, which was later reorganized into the first Krasnoyarsk concentration camp. During the 1920s many people suffered from epidemic typhus here.
Liudmila Muravieva, daughter of the military doctor of the White Armee says: „Well, at first the deceased were stocked in several layers. Towards spring, when it got warmer, they transported them to some other place – a place situated nearby, but not directly in the area surrounding the hospital. They took them to this district. And this is the reason why the mass grave appeared“.
Aleksei Babiy, researcher of local history, is particularly engaged in the history of political repressions. He commented that during the first time Austrian prisons were kept in the cantonment – just around Krasnodarskaya Street, and later soldiers of the Koltchak Army. Conditions of life and detention of the prisoners were lacking even the basic principles of humanity. At present the area of the former concentration camp is just a common – dwelling zone. Presumably, these multi-story houses were built on the mass graves of former prisoners.
This place is situated on the border of the Jastynsk Field and the so-called Cow-Gap, about one and-a-half kilometers away from the former concentration camp. And, judging from all this, prisoners, who did not survive epidemic typhus, found there rest here. Human remains have now been transferred to furnish an opinion. Results will become known one and-a-half months later at the best. Possibly, the whole truth will be unearthed and we will learn details about the mysterious origin of the mass grave.
Roman Rykov, „News“ – Krasnoyarsk, 16.11.2012