The 30th of October is calendared as Day in commemoration of those, who, although they were not guilty of any misdoing, had to bear great misery, were in agony or even killed - just in favor of political ambitions, personality cult and the mystic idea about a world revolution. Unfortunately, our society still has not come to a standard valuation of the totalitarian regime. However, each of us will be able to valuate this after having read the books a summary of which we would like to draw your attention to in this article.
In all libraries of the Krasnoyarsk Territory you will find the „Book of Memory“ published in 10 volumes in commemoration of the victims of political repressions in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In volume ten of the „Book of Memory“ there are name lists of citizens, who were repressed illegally on Krasnoyarsk Territory and whose family names (A – Z) had not been considered in previous editions. Head of the team that prepared and edited the existing volumes is Aleksei Babiy, chairman of the „Krasnoyarsk „Memorial organization for historical illumination and human rights”. The series of books is intended to restore historical justice referring to people, who were forced without any reason to face political repressions in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. „We have to mention the name of each individual, for worse than all kinds of physical pain were the entirely unjustified, unfounded incriminations for these people and the members of their families“, - write the authors of the books. – We do hope to carry out our duty towards all innocently agonized people by remembering each of them individually. We are very grateful to those who provided the basis for the creation of a regional „Book of Memory“ by selflessly following up the fates of repressed fellow countryman and bringing them back to our memory“.
For his book „The Wages of Platinum“ Boris Sergeevich Ivanov attempted to learn some little-known names as well as some tragic details thitherto kept under the pledge of strict secrecy about the fact how – as a result of „hostile activities“ platinum was born “from the pocket” in one of the Krasnoyarsk „sharashkas“ (special prison and research institute for scientists and engineers; translator’s note.). This book represents a clear remembrance of Vladimir Nikolaevich Gulidov, who was anxious to achieve the disclosure of the tragic pages (previously sealed in GULAG secret departments) of the authentic history of the Krasnoyarsk non-ferrous works , which he sacrificed his own life, as well as the names of a maximized number of people.
In his documentary novel „Pogrom“ Viktor Genrichovich Fuks (Fuchs) describes the fates of people, who for decades were exposed to repressions. The book is based on personal fates of the author, his relatives and loved ones, who lived the time left to them with utmost diligence and conscientiousness by filling it with all their talents and strength.
„We must not permit a single detail to be buried in oblivion. We have to know our history, know her as such as it is“ – these words from the inaugural speech of the Russian president must not remain just wishful, but should represent a real recommendation for each of us.
Tatyana Krusko
Head of the Central Library Department
„Turan Echo“, 30.10.2013