Family members and related parties of those, who had to suffer during the years of existence of the Tuvinian People’s Republic and Stalinist terror, although they had done absolutely nothing wrong, gathered at the Museum of history of political repressions in Tuva and lay down flowers at the memorial „The intractable“, which was erected as cenotaph of the black days in the history of the Tuvinian people.
Attendees of the meeting, among others, were the vice prime-minister of the republic Aina Shoygu, the Secretary of Labor and Social Policy Mergen Oorshak, deputees of the Great Khural of Tuva and the Kyzyl city khural, as well as representatives of Kyzyl mayor’s office.
At present, according to the information of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, 116 rehabilitated victims of political repressions, 45 family members of rehabilitated persons and 29 individuals, who have been acknowledged sufferers from political persecutions live in the Republic of Tuva. All of them receive a monthly social benefit in an amount between 383 and 916 rubles.