Every year on the 30th of October our country commemorates the victims of political repressions. This very date does not appear as a public holiday, in fact, it is to be understood as a milestone, a light vessel of commemoration, combined with the possibility to once again draw a balance of the work and the activities that take place on the field of social welfare for the benefit of the population; however, this day is also supposed to draw the attention of the public to those people, in whose fates political repressions are being reflected.
Thus, 168 rehabilitated citizens life in Motygino District today, 4 have been officially acknowledged sufferers from political repressions. Yet, during the past five years their number considerably decreased. In 2008 many more people counted among this category of people – namely 231, as well as 11, who once suffered from political repressions. This decline was due to cases of natural death among the population, as well as the removal of people from Motygino District to other areas within the country and also places of their historic home.
In accordance with the law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory passed in December 2004, rehabilitated persons are subject to a defined package of measures for the social support. This includes steps concerning the payment of municipal services for rehabilitated citizens and their family members living with them, as well as monthly allowances in money in a range of 357 rubles and 30 kopeks, which the citizens may also spend for the purchase of a standard social ticket.
Apart from this the above-mentioned category of people has the right to receive dentures and their repair done free of charge. Indeed, rehabilitated people can only make demands on this kind of benefits in their place of residence, the place where they are registered – in this case Motygino District.
Moreover, this category of people is entitled to the benefited purchase of drugs prescribed by a physician in the amount of 50% of the list price approved by the regional Ministry of Health.
And in accordance with the long-term earmarked program „The old generation“ of the years 2011-2013, which is allowed to continue their actions in the following years, too, rehabilitated persons have a non-recurring claim of refund of traveling expenses for a trip within the Russian Federation; the total amount, however, must not surmount 12.000 rubles. . This compensation is available on presentation of the ticket.
This information was given to us by N.L. Slastenova, head of the Department of veterans, invalids and other specific categories of citizens of the Committee of social welfare.
Andrei Senin
„Angarskaya Pravda“, 01.11.2013