Norilsk in history, history in Norilsk
In 2015 the Norilsk Combine is going to celebrate its 80th anniversary. Veterans of the combine, well-known residents of Norilsk, members of the managing board of the club „69th parallel”, addressed themselves to the editorial department of the “Polar Messenger” with the appeal to start with the preparations for this big event already now.
In 2015 it will be 80 years since the beginning of the active construction of the objects of the Norilsk coal mining and metallurgy combine. The exact year and date of this event is determined by the enacting of the directive of the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR N° 1278-19/8, strictly confidential dating the 23rd of June 1935 „About the construction of the Norilsk Nickel Combine“. Already one week later, during high water, the paddle steamer „Spartakus“ arrived in Dudinka with people assigned for the construction project in Norilsk. Their front man was Vladimir Sosimovich Matveev, who had just been appointed head of Norillag and the building complex. The „Spartakus“ was followed by two towboats with barges carrying construction materials, equipment and workforce – the very first prisoners. The unloading of the ships proved to be utterly difficult, as there was no appropriate landing stage at all.
This event which took place on the 1st of July 1935, was several times mentioned in different press sources. We may consider the 1st of July as the very date of the beginning of practical realization of the tasks noted in the directive of the Council of People’s Commissars. Unfortunately, the place of landing of the gangs has not been marked by any distinctive marks, such as a stele, as a symbol of commemoration.
Taken under consideration the forthcoming jubilee, veterans of the Norilsk Combine, members of the Muscovite club “69th parallel“ addressed themselves to the management of the polar branch of “Norilsk Nickel“ with the proposal to put up a memorial stone or an obelisk in the seaport of Dudinka, right opposite the place of unloading, where the paddle steamer „Spartakus“ once moored. The heads of the affiliate looked positively upon this initiative; however, the director of the Polar Transportation Branch of the Combine of Mining and Metallurgy in Dudinka, Igor Borisovitsch Usdin, recommended a more dignified place, in best possible location for the memorial place – just beside the building of the port authority.
The erection of the memorial stone, which, as agreed, will be known as „To the First from their grateful descendants” will become s significant happening on the 80th anniversary of the combine. It is planned to integrated a niche where people can place capsules with messages for ensuing ages. May their descendants open them after 80 years. The complex for the recommended site of the memorial stone does not only reflect the historic event – in this very place various actions can be carried out, as well: it could be the starting point for the pageant, sporting events, etc.
We, the veterans of Norilsk, address ourselves to the young generation of Norilsk with an appeal to take an active part in the project planning of the memorial (maybe, by arranging a competition), and also contribute to the layout and greening of the area. Public interest and the direct participation of the young people in the creation of the memorial represent a condign contribution to the perpetuation of the historic fact - the beginning of the gigantic construction project on the territory Taimyr Region. It was realized under incredibly difficult conditions by the heroic labor of prisoners. The most important objects were erected in no time at all, and production output played its roll both during the war and in the continuing economic development of the country.
The Mining and Metallurgy enterprise is a strategically significant company nowadays, too.
We, the veterans of Norilsk, hope that present and future generations will work successfully and increase the traditions of the legendary combine.
The management board members of the club „69th parallel”
Igor Aristov, Vladimir Polishchuk
„Polar Messenger“, 22nd of November 2013