Every single period in the history of our great home country deserves to be studied and researched carefully. The years of Stalin’s repressions represent a big interest for historians. This is when historic documents, which are being kept in the district archives prove to be of utmost importance. These are the kind of documents historians try to gain access to, since they are of an immeasurable historic value.
These days the management board member of the International „Memorial Organization of historical illumination and education, human rights and charity, the head of the Krasnoyarsk „Memorial“ organization A. Babiy (photo) is working with the Sayan District Archive. As Aleksey Andreevich explained, the final aim of his research is the edition of the 12th volume of the Book of Memory in commemoration of the victims of political repressions in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The most important task today is the issue of lists with all dispossessed and politically persecuted people.
Photo: Irina Mayatskie
„Prisayane“ (Sayan District), 19.06.2014