On October 30th the people in Russia solemnized the Day in Commemoration of the victims of political repressions, the day when we recall in great sorrow our dear relatives and all those, who were challenged by fate to experience the worst psychological strain, who were bereaved their health, reputation and even life..
Nobody is able to truthfully total all the losses our people suffered as a consequence of this evil. Different sources mention different numbers, but they are all ranging within a limit of several millions of people. Admittedly, they comprise only those who were later officially rehabilitated, who passed through political paragraphs and ukases.
Not considered at all were those, who had been sentenced to long-term imprisonment in camps, because they had arrived at work just a few minutes too late, had collected a few spikes from scythed fields. Why? It is because these people have not received their rehabilitation to this day.
People, whose fates were seriously hamstringed, have not been considered in these numbers, either, but they were not prosecuted criminally, subject to administrative exile, deportation. It means - all people who had lost their job, their profession, who were defamed and, although living in freedom, felt themselves as castaways and outlaws or were forced to hide away. Those who were not allowed to practice their dream job or were hindered to train the desired profession. The true and exact number of these people cannot be determined.
These days I would like to commiserate with all who suffered so much misery and harm during Soviet government, and express my sympathies to those, who lost their relatives and related parties in camps and prisons, in exile or special resettlement, as well as much later at home to where many innocent prisoners returned with damaged health.
With all my heart I wish you love and respect of your family members, health and courage and yet many, many active years of life.
Ella Tsutskareva, chairman of the Association of rehabilitated people in Krasnoyarsk Territiryx
„Krasnoyarsk Worker“, 31.10.2015