Early in the autumn of 1929 the Communists deported from a manor in ROMANOVKA (NOVO-ROMANOVKA), 6 km away from NOVOGRAD-VOLHYNSK (today ZHITOMIR region), the Polish family ROGULSKI (farmers):
In NOVOGRAD-VOLHYNSK they were forced into freight waggons and transported to Siberia. At YAYA station (today situated in the Kemerovo region) the exiles had to get off the train. At that time of the year there was no snow yet. At YAYA station there was no camp zone, no barracks. The exiles were kept there for about one week, then ordered again into wagons and transported farther away. Finally they were to leave the train in KANSK.
At first the exiles were lodged in barracks with two-story plank beds, and early in winter they were transferred to the mill combinate, to a two-story building, also equipped with plank beds. At that time the deportees did not work, but they were given a daily food ration: bread, butter, fish. And later they were assigned work.
M.A. ROGULSKI was taken on as a coach-driver for the NKVD (at that time this was the OGPU). His task was to drive the chief, who was arrested around 1931.
Afterwards M. (A.) ROGULSKI had to cut sleepers. And later the exiles founded a collective farm (at the timber factory), but without any defined statute, and two years later the cooperative was transformed into the kolkhoz “New Way.” In this kolkhoz M. (A.) ROGULSKI had a job as a farmyard worker; he and his family lived in the settlement attached to the sawmill, in barracks No. 17.
D. (M.) ROGULSKI worked for the timber factory as a journeyman of a frame builder. During the exile his first name was mistakenly registered as “Demyan.” He was a good musician, able to play several instruments, particularly string instruments, and took an active part in the amateur art activities that were carried out in the timber factory.
As of the year 1936 they started to hand over passports to some of the exiles: “for reasons of good work.”
M. (A.) ROGULSKI was arrested on 16.08.1937. The plenipotentiary ANOKHIN came for him. M. (A.) ROGULSKI was sentenced by a troika on section 58-10 (counter-revolutionary activities) on the 03.11.1937 and executed on the 09.11.1937 in KANSK.
He was posthumously rehabilitated by the Military Tribunal of the Siberian Military District on 24.04.1956.
On the 20.01.1938 they also arrested D. (M.) ROGULSKI. MORGUNOV from the NKVD District Department came for him. D. (M.) ROGULSKI refused to sign his “confession.”
On 25.05.1938 a dvoyka sentenced him as “a member of a Polish nationalist espionage organization” to the maximum penalty. However, on 15.06.1938, a Special Board amended the penalty into “10 years” on § 58-10.
By a guarded transport he was taken to the SVITL, and was in the MAGADAN region as of 07.10.1938. He died in MAGADAN from pulmonary tuberculosis on 25.07.1939.
D. (M.) ROGULSKI was posthumously rehabilitated by the Military Tribunal of the Siberian Military District on 09.05.1958.
Among the arrestees of the KANSK timber factory there also was an exiled Ukrainian, Michailo BOGATYUK. While he was in prison he signed his “confession.” He served a 10-year sentence and then returned to KANSK.
Late in 1937 or early in 1938 the Communists arrested the exiled Pole ZAYAC. He did not come back.
09.12.1995, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, “Memorial” Society