In the summer of the year 1933 the Soviets deported the Russian family KOZHIN from the settlement of OGORODNICHESKIY, RUSSKO-BOKLINSK village Soviet, MORDOVO-BOKLINSK district, CHKALOVSK region (today Orenburg region):
The Communists carried them off to BUGURUSLAN, where they were loaded on a freight train. The exiles were unloaded in ACHINSK and from there transported away on barges downstream the river CHULYM. They had to disembark on the right banks of the river, not far from the village of ISAKOVKA, from were they were carried off further into the taiga.
A few kilometers away from the river, in a burned out place in the forest, they were forced to built up barracks. And thus emerged the settlement of Polevoy and, not far away from this place, another two exile settlements: BOKOVOY and ABOLSKIY.
N. (A.) KOZHIN and his family remained in exile in POLEVOY. They worked in an "inofficial agricultural co-operative" (without standing rules or statute). Late in 1936 N. (A.) KOZHIN was transferred to KRASNOYARSK, to the building section of the UNKVD Administrative and Supply Department.
He worked in this building section as from the 01.01.1937. In 1937 his wife and children received the permission from the commandant's office to also remove to KRASNOYARSK.
They lived in one of the barracks maintained by the UNKVD Administrative and Supply Department, in Lassalle Street No. 55 (Bryanskaya Street, behind the river Kacha), together with other exiles, who had also been assigned to work for the UNKVD building section.
The BALKHONTSEVs stayed in exile in POLEVOY. In the year 1940 N. (A.) KOZHIN, his wife and children were released from exile and received passports. S. (N.) KOZHINA was handed over a passport on the 13.08.1940.
04.01.1999, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society