On the 11.04.1928 the Communists arrested the Russian farmer Vassiliy (son of Mikhail) ARDASHEV (or ARDYSHEV), 1876-1933, villager of BALZOY, ULYOTOVSK district, FAR-EAST region (today CHITA region).
On the 17.08.1928 an OGPU Special Board sentenced him on section 58-10,11 to 5 months (or years?). After his release he returned to BALZOY.
In June 1931 V. (M.) ARDASHEV and his family
were deported from BALZOY to KRASNOYARSK, upon the decision of a three-member board of the General Supply Unit at the OGPU plenipotentiary representation of the East-Siberian region dated the 14.06.1931, and then expelled to the DAURIAN (today BALAKHTINSK) district, to the settlement of KICHIBASH on the river Sisim (East-Sayan Mountains, south of Krasnoyarsk).
V. (M.) ARDASHEV perished during the internal exile in KICHIBASH.
His eldest son Yakov (V.) ARDASHEV (or ARDYSHEV), 1904-1970, also a farmer, lived somewhere else with his family (but also in BALZOY). He was not affected by the deportation.
However, on the 15.06.1932 he was arrested, as well. On the 08.10.1932 a “Special three-member Board of the OGPU plenipotentiary representation of the East-Siberian region sentenced him on section 58-10,11 to 5 years in a concentration camp.
In the year 1933 his family
was also deported to KICHIBASH. In 1933 or 1934 Y. (V.) ARDASHEV was released from the camp, went to his family in KICHIBASH and then had to appear for registration and periodic checks at the commandant’s office.
In KICHIBASH the exiles worked for the timber industry. In the middle of the 1930s they started to break up KICHIBASH and transfer the exiles to other settlements. The ARDASHEVs got to the DVOYEUSTYE area. There, in 1941, son Yuriy was born to V. (V.) ARDASHEV and N. (A.) ARDASHEVA.
In 1941 or 1942 the ARDASHEVs were transferred to the YAKUSHIKHA area (also in the DAURIAN district), There, too, the exiles had to work for the timber industry.
V. (V.) ARDASHEV worked as a foreman.
In 1942 K. (V.) ARDASHEV and I. (Y.) ARDASHEV were mobilized to the army and later sent to the front. V. (V.) ARDASHEV was not called up. Y. (V.) was sent away to work at ADADYM station (near NASAROVO), in the “military construction zone No. 385”.
Y. (V.) ARDASHEV was arrested on the 30.12.1942. They transferred him from
ADADYM to the prison (No. 4) in ACHINSK, where the senior investigator of the
NKVD Special Section, second lieutenant GERASHCHENKO, “received him”.
On the 12.03.1943 Y. (V.) ARDASHEV was sentenced by the regional court (probably during an “itinerant session” in ACHINSK) on section 58-10 (“Anti-Soviet agitation in coincidence with defeatism” to 10 years camp detention and a 5 years deprivation of political rights. His case was part of a group case, which included several persons.
After the conviction they took him away to a camp of local subordination, to KACHA station (Kachinsk industrial reform labour colony). On the 11.02.1944 an NKVD Special Board reduced the term by 6 months. Later Y. (V.) ARDASHEV was sent away from the KACHINSK reform labour colony to the SIBLAG. He was released from there on the 30.06.1952
His mother, sister, wife and children, as well as V. (V.) ARDASHEV’s brother and his family, were released from internal exile in 1947.
V. (M.) ARDASHEV was posthumously rehabilitated (for having been arrested) by the public prosecutor of the Chita region on the 25.10.1989. Y. (Y.) ARDASHEV received his rehabilitation by the public prosecutor of the Chita region (for his first arrest) on the 17.12.1996, and by the Supreme Court of the RSFSR (for the second arrest) on the 09.11.1960.
V. (M.) ARDASHEV, F. (F.) ARDASHEVA, A. (V.) ARDASHEVA, V. (V.) ARDASHEV and N. (A.) ARDASHEVA were rehabilitated (for having been exiled) by the Information Center of the Administration of Internal Affairs of the Chita region on the 21.10.1996.
22.11.1999, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, “Memorial” Society