In 1931 the Soviets arrested the farmer Pyotr Innokentyevich CHERNOUSOV (1889-1948) in the village of PESCHANKA, today district of YEMELYANOVO, KRASNOYARSK region (10 km away from KRASNOYARSK).
He was arrested for "counter-revolutionary activities" and put into the KRASNOYARSK prison. In the summer of the same year they deported his family to IGARKA:
With them the father was also sent away to IGARKA. During the exile he worked as a black-smith for the "Sevyenstroy" (North Yenissey Construction Trust). In the late 1930s they stopped sending people into exile and one could move away unhindered to other towns.
P. (I.) CHERNOUSOV was arrested on the 25.10.1940 and taken to the prison in IGARKA.
On the 19.02.1941, during an external session in IGARKA, the Krasnoyarsk regional court sentenced him on section 58-10 to 7 years' camp detention and 5 years' disfranchisement. He was accused of having "praised tsarism" and "uttered slanders with regard to the conditions of life of the working class".
In the summer of 1941 he was sent from IGARKA to NORILSK. In the camp he was taken ill with tuberculosis. He was moved away from the NorilLag to Tayshet by an invalid transport (probably in the summer of 1942), where he spent some time in the camp infirmary.
On the 17.06.1943 he was written off and released from camp confinement (following a directive of the NKVD and the USSR Public Prosecutor of the 23.10.1942). He went to his daughter in Krasnoyarsk and lived there for another five years.
P. (I.) CHERNOUSOV was posthumously rehabilitated by the RSFSR Supreme Court on the 22.11.1961.
02.07.1994, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society