In March 1931 the Russian family BATURIN (farmers) was deported from AKSHA (district town) in the WEST-SIBERIAN region (today CHITA region):
As of 1918, F. (F.) BATURIN, who had been taken ill with typhoid fever, still suffered from deafness.
The exiles were loaded off the train at KAMARCHAGA station, MANA district (between Uyar and Krasnoyarsk), and assigned to work for the rafting of timber. The BATURINs found themselves in UST-BADZHEY, MANA district. At the end of the rafting season, in June 1931, they were sent downstream the river Mana on rafts. Thus, they came to KRASNOYARSK.
Half a month they were kept in "transit" barracks, in a settlement called 1st of August, on the right banks of the Yenissey. And there the people began to all ill with dysentery. Lots of little children died. The very day when they buried the four-year-old Mikhail BATURIN, they yet buried another 17 children.
Later the exiles were chased on board the steamer Yan Rudzutak" and transported away, down the river Yenissey, to IGARKA, where they went on land on the 02.08.1931.
They had nowhere to stay and live. They started to build dug-outs and barracks for themselves. Until the middle of September the barracks were ready. The exiles settled down, i.e. in each section they would put five families. Thus, they built up the "2nd sector" in IGARKA.
During the famine Sergey BATURIN died of meningitis.
Later the BATURINs lived in the 1st section. F. (F.) BATURIN worked as a carpenter in a factory for packaging materials (timber transhipment combinate).
He was arrested on the 26.02.1938. A "Dvoyka" sentenced him on section 58-10 (counter-revolutionary agitation) on the 19.05.1938. They executed him in KRASNOYARSK on the 22.11.1938.
He was posthumously rehabilitated by the public prosecutor of the Krasnoyarsk region in 1989.
20.04.1996, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society