Jakob Jakovlevich Bekker (Becker) was born on the 26 September 1926. His
parents died when he was still a little boy; he was placed in a children’s home.
He spent the war in the labour army. After the war he was resettled to Siberia by force, for he was a German.
At first Jakob Jakovlevich worked for the Strelkovsk timber industry – he had to raft trunks. Upon organization if the kolkhoz farms, he became a professional tractorist and began to work for a kolkhoz farm named „New Life“.
Jakob Jakovlevich died on the 22 April 1986.
There were three children in the Bekker (Becker) family, who were all placed in different childrens’ homes:
Alexander Jakovlevich – his brother
Elvira Yakovlevna – his sister
Jakob Jakovlevich reported, that he had been the eldest child of the family;
aferwards his brother was born, and his little sister was the youngest.