Beginning of September 1941 the BRENING family, German kolkhozniks (= workers on a Soviet collective farm), was deported by the Communists from the village of KUTTER (7 km from the village of Doennhof), in the canton of BALZER, Autonomous Republic of the Volga Germans:
They were taken to Krasnoyarsk by military convoy N 817 and from there to the village of OGUR in the district of DAURSK (today a flooded area). There, in exile, died J. BRENING's (son of Konrad) mother. In January 1942 J. BRENING was sent into the "Trud-Army", to the VJATLag (= a lumber camp on the banks of the river Vjatka), where he had to fell trees.
He returned from the camp in 1945 and lived in the small village of UST-POGROMNAYA, on the right bank of the Yenissey (10 km South of the village of Sisim, today a flooded area, as well).; his wife and children were moved there in 1943. After being released from the labor camp he grew ill and died in exile. His wife and the children were released from exile on 19.02.56.
They received a passport and moved from UST-POGROMNAYA to Krasnoyarsk.
Jan. 03, 1999, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society