In September 1941 the German family BUSCH was deported by the Communists from ALT-WEIMAR in the canton of PALLASSOVSK, Autonomous Republic of the Volga Germans:
The deportees were discharged in KRASNOYARSK and then exiled to the village of KARYMSKAYA, district of SUCHOBUSIMSK.
In January 1942 E. A. BUSCH and E. E. BUSCH were forced into the "Trud-Army", to the KUSBAS (Kuznetsk Basin, coal field). In March 1943 the father was released early and returned to his family. He was seriously weakened. In September 1943 he had to go to KUSBAS again; soon after, he and his eldest son died.
Earlier, in 1942, Raissa was imprisoned in accordance with the "Decree of the 07.08.32". (= Enactment "on Protection of the Property of State Enterprises, Collective Farms and Cooperatives, and Strenghtening of Public Social Property".) She was kept in the ABAN agricultural colony. Afterwards they did not even allow her to go to the place where her children lived in exile, but sent her into the "Trud-Army", to the KRASLag, SOSNOVKA station, North of RESHOT. She was released from there in 1946. After she had returned to her children in the district of SUKHOBUSIMSK, the family was moved to the little village of TOLSTOMYSOVO, later to ATAMANOVO, to the 2nd department of the "TAYOSHNIY" (= Taiga) farm enterprise, and in 1951 to SHILINKA.
In SHILINKA V. BUSCH worked in an affiliate of the Krasnoyarsk OTB-1 (= Special Technology Office-1). This institution principally was in charge of planning construction projects and the work was mainly done by deportees, whose period of detention was already over (there were no prisoners in SHILINKA).
After their time in the camp the two civil engineers, Toiwo Alexandrovich LEET and Gunar Gerhartovich JARWE, both from Estonia, were exiled to the district of DOLGOMOSTOVSK (today ABANSK). They worked there in the branch office of the OTB-1. In 1952 this affiliate closed down and those deportees, who had worked there, were transferred to SHILINKA. Apart from LEET and JARWE they also transferred a person named SPASSKI and the Pole KORSZENIOWSKI, a specialist in plumbing, who - after his release from exile - immediately left. SPASSKI stayed in Krasnoyarsk and worked as a project leader. In SHILINKA they had a job in the construction department.
For about two years an architect from Moscow named LANDAU worked in SHILINKA. Approximately in 1952 several engineers, whose period of detention in the camp had already come to an end, were exiled at the same time. Almost all of them were from Moscow: Konstantin Konstantinovich MUKHANOW, born around 1915 - a specialist for metal constructions; Alexander Dimitriyevich ROMANOV, born around 1910; Vladimir Yevgeniyevich VOLOVSKI, born around 1905 - he probably was some kind of executive in the construction department before his arrest. Together with him they also brought along the civil engineer Vladimir Fyodorovich BYKOV, born around 1905, who had lived in ALMA-ATA before being arrested.
During the exile A. ROMANOV married an Estonian, who worked in SHILINKA as a copyist. Her name was Waike Yakovlevna PJARZEL, born in 1920. After his rehabilitation ROMANOV returned with his wife to Moscow, where he then took a job as a chief engineer in the main administration of construction projects of the Ministry of Energy.
The German DICK worked in the OTB-1 in SHILINKA as a mining expert. The archives of the OTB-1 branch were directed by a professor from the MGU (Moscow State University), the mathematician DE-PELPOR (born around 1895). He also taught courses in mathematics for engineers.
Late in 1952 or beginning 1953 the Communists started to send Jews to SHILINKA (this was a straight exile, without any imposition of a term), but soon after, already in spring 1953, they were set free. Among them were the two POLONSKI sisters (both students from Moscow) and Sofia LISBARON (daughter of Grigorij).
At that time the young lieutenant Pjotr KONONOV was the commandant in SHILINKA.
Nov. 04, 1994, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" society