The Volga-German Maria Petrovna EBERLE (1910-1987), was born in the village
of Nizhnaya Vodyanka in the canton of Pallasovsk. She was divorced and a German
teacher by profession. On 04.09.41 the Communists deported her and her children
from Anisovka, probably from a collective farm for rabbit breeding, in the
canton of Ternovsk, Autonomous Republic of the Volga-Germans:
They were driven in the 6th wagon of military train N 847. The exiles were unloaded in ACHINSK. M. EBERLE and her children were exiled to the village of ZACHULYMKA in the district of BIRILYUSK. There M. EBERLE worked as a teacher in the village school.
The exiles in ZACHULYMKA were classed as belonging to the 12th commandant's office.
Early in the 40s the militia arrested M. EBERLE and took her to some unknown place for several months. A. EBERLE escaped from his place of exile and came to a children's home, from where he later returned to ZACHULYMKA. After her return M. EBERLE refused to tell where she had been kept and what had happened to her.
In 1954 the commandant's office gave W. EBERLE permission to study at the
SibLTI (Sibirian Institute of Forest Technology) in KRASNOYARSK.
The same year, based on a decision of the commandant's office, M. EBERLE and her son were transferred to KHAKASSIA, to a settlement called UST-ABAKAN.
M. EBERLE was released from exile on 01.02.56, A. EBERLE on 08.02.56. After her retirement M. EBERLE lived in Krasnoyarsk.
M. EBERLE was rehabilitated by the UVD (Administration of Internal Affairs) of the Saratov region on 25.12.99, A. EBERLE by the UVD of the Krasnoyarsk region on 24.04.98.
Mar. 01, 2000, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society