Viktor Adamovich Folst was born in the hamlet of Novotroitskoe, Kasachinsk
District, in 1955. Viktor Adamovich did not tell us really much about how his
parents, who were farmers, were disappropriated. His mother was Emma Petrovna
Haupt (born in 1929), his father Adam Andreevich Folst (born in 1928). We did
not succeed to talk to V.A’s mother, since she is a bad walker and principally
does not open the door for anybody. Nevertheless we learned a few details from
V.A. himself. His parents livedin the Volga Region and were dispossessed in
1937, but they became acquainted with each other only in 1949. Later they told
him that they lived in comfort and wealth at the river Volga, but then,
unfortunately, were forced to leave everything behind. They were given no time
to pack at least the most necessary belongings. At night-time a group of men
arrived and gave them just 15 minutes to get prepared for the trip. They had to
leave their home in the clothes they were wearing. Upon arrival in the place of
exile (the Kasachinsk District), the locals behaved towards them in a friendly
way, and all men and women were willing to help them. It was inopportune to talk
about this issue within the family, the father was very close-lipped, and his
mother was the only one who would tell a few things every now and then. Once the
father was invited to vacation and have a rest in the Volga Region, however, he
was unable to stay there for more than two days. He returned to the Kasachinsk
District which had become his home.
Interview: Tatyana Milevskaya
(AB – remarks by Aleksei Babiy, Krasnoyarsk „Memorial“Organization ) Ninth expedition of the Krasnoyarsk "Memorial“ Organization and the Pedagogic College in Yeniseysk, Vorokovka-Kasachinskoe-Rozhdestvenskoe 2014 .