Born on the 08.04.1933
in the Volgograd Region, Remenikovo District, hamlet of Remenikovo.
Father: Aleksander Josifovich
Mother: Emma Josifovna
Sister: Vera Aleksandrovna Kusnetsova, born 1934. Works in Lesosibirsk.
Brother: Aleksander Aleksandrovich, born 1936 in Chelyabinsk.
Brother: Arthur Aleksandrovith, born 1941 in Mongolia; deceased.
They lived in an apartment. The father worked for the public prosecutors, the mother had a job with the food combine.
In the summer of 1941 they were informed in time about how many foodstuffs (for how many days) they should get ready to take along, since they were to be exiled. They were taken to Krasnoyarsk on freight cars, from there to Yeniseysk on barges covered by tarpaulins; and from YeniseYsk they still cntinued their trip by rowing boats, until they finally reached the village of Anziferovo; six families arrived there in all. Grandmother, father and mother were with them.
They were alloted accomodation, two families each in one house.
did not go to school, since he was unable to speak Russian. By and by, he
learned Russian from his contacts with other children and, in the end, managed
to pass 4 terms.
The father was mobilized into the labour army. He returned home 10 years later. The mother worked for the kolkhoz farm, the sister had a job as a cowgirl; every now and then the children would accompany her and help her feed and milk the cows and calves. After some time they were alloted another house – there was nothing inside the house but a Russian iron stove.
They were compelled to deliver meat, eggs and wool to the state, irrespective of whether or not they disposed of a farmyard.
Later they received a cow from some other family.
They had to regularly go to the commandant’s office and get registered. Themother was commissioned to get there, and the commandant would ask her: “Are all family members alive?” And then he would take her fingerprints.
The children worked for the kolkhoz farm since their early childhood.
In 1949 he went to the village of Yalan, in order to learn how to drive and handle a tractor.
In the 1950s they removed to Chelyabisnk, to the village of Roza, together with their parents. The parents stayed there for the rest of their life, but A.A. Die Eltern blieben dann auch dort, aber A.A. did not like Chelyabinsk; he decided to return to Podtyossovo.
Since the autumn of 1956 Podtyossovo has been his permanent place of residence; he worked there as a tractorist, later for the 11th labour unit, then again as a tractorist. He went on pension at the age of 72.
The interview was taken by Yelena Ponomaryova and Tatyana Vasilikhina
(AB . Remarks by Aleksei Babiy, Krasnoyarsk “Memorial“ organization)