In mid-February 1941 the Communists deported the German family HAGELGANZ from the village of BETTINGER (where all of them had been born), canton UNTERWALDEN, Autonomous Republic of the Volga-Germans:
On 18.09.41 they were loaded on train No. 814 for prisoners under arrest and sent to KRASNOYARSK. In ACHINSK the train changed directions and turned to the south, to Khakassia.
David Davidovich HAGELGANZ's family had to get off the train at YUS in the Auto-nomous Region of Khakassia (today Republic of Khakassia) and was sent into exile to the village of SOLYONOOSYORNOYE in the district of SHIRINSK, Autonomous Region of Khakassia. In January 1942 they forced D.D. HAGELGANZ into the "Trud-Army", to the VYATLag (= Vyatka Corrective Labour Camps on the Vyatka River), where he had to fell trees, chop wood, etc. He was able to survive, and in 1946 returned to his family in SOLYONOOSYORNOYE.
Ivan Davidovich HAGELGANZ, too, was called up into the "Trud-Army", and had to work in a sovkhoz (state-owned farm). He also returned to his family in 1946. They all stayed on SOLYONOOSYORNOE until their release in 1956; however, David Davidovich HAGEL-GANZ did not live to see that.
David Ivanovich HAGELGANZ, Amalia Filippovna HAGELGANZ and Olga Davidovna HAGELGANZ received their rehabilitation by the Saratov Regional Information Center of the UVD (Administration of Internal Affairs) on 04.11.97. Before, the Krasnoyarsk Regional UVD had also rehabilitated Olga (D.) HAGELGANZ (mistaken HAGELGANS
Dec. 30, 1997, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society