Statement of a victim of repression
Volgograd Region
Palasovsk District
Village of Strassburg
Mother – Yekaterina Genrichovna Simon, 1901-1984, technician in Sukhobuzimsk.
Father – Ivan Yakovlevich Simon, 1898-1974, stablehand for the workers’
Viktor (30.05.1926), Elsa (21.02.1935), Mina (21.02.1935), Andrei (08.08.1938),
David (23.11.1940).
Two of my sisters are still alive: Elsa Bauer, Mina Kuznetsova; all the others died; my sisters live in Sukhobuzimsk. Everything is okay with them.
They just sent usaway, without giving any explanation (why they did so and what it was good for).
First of all they took the whole family to the village of Shoshkino, and then, about two months later, the exiled our father and we resettled to Sukhobuzimsk; and father was assigned to work in Sukhobuzimsk District. We are still living here.
There was a woman called Kripakova, aunt Marusya, she lived in great poverty, but nevertheless she helped us as much as she could. And then there was Maria Yadrinkina, she was very poor, as well, but she would help us, too.
There is only one could think I can remember from those times. But cold and hunger were the most terrible things I had to experience in my life.
Everybody would like to be able to read and write; I had no chance to learn, although I wished to be able to go to school: first of all I did not want to remain illiterate. And my second wish was to recover health and strength.; I should have been more careful about my health.
The above material was arranged by the Sukhobuzimsk Museum of Local Lore