In 1940 Friedrich Johannovich SEIBERT, 1902-1965, and his family left the
LENINGRAD region and moved to the canton of UNTERWALDEN in the Autonomous
Republic of the Volga-Germans; there they lived in the village of GLARUS (where
he had been born). He was not only a skilled carpenter and a good mechanic, but
a master of music, as well.
In September 1941 the Communists deported him and his family from GLARUS to the village of SVETLOLOBOVO in the destrict of NOVOSELOVSK, KRASNOYARSK region (situated on the River Chulym):
In January 1942 the Soviets forced Friedrich SEIBERT into the "Trud-Army" (= labor army) to fell trees (probably to the VYATLag). Owing to his skills and abilities he did not have to do heavy gang work. In 1946 he returned from the camp to live with his family in SVETLOLOBOVO. There he worked in the kolkhoz (= collective farm) workshop as a joiner.
He was arrested by the Communists on 02.10.51 and sentenced upon the decision of the NOVOSELOVSK district court on sections 74, §1, and 159, §1, to a 1 year's imprisonment.
He served his sentence in the KRASNOYARSK prison; during this period the authorities started a file on him, under section 58-8 (of the 1926 RSFSR Criminal Code). On 27.06.52 they proclaimed a decision about necessary "precautionary measures"" whereupon he was transferred into a special cell for solitary confinement (probably in the inner prison).
On 25.08.52 the MGB (= Ministry of State Security) Military Tribunal of the Krasnoyarsk region sentenced him to 25 years of imprisonment, as well as the political and individual civil disfranchisement, including the confiscation of his property, for a period of 5 years (in accordance with section 58-8). This sentence was pronounced in absentia (without the presence of) a public prosecutor or a defense council. In "court" F. SEIBERT protested his innocence.
On 05.12.52 he was taken out of the prison in KRASNOYARSK and sent to the OZERLag
(Irkutsk region) on a prisoner transport. On 25.09.54 F. SEIBERT's "case" was amended by the Supreme Court of the USSR into guilty in accordance with section 58-10, with a 10 years' term of imprisonment without confiscation of property.
He was released early on parole on 08.02.56 on the basis of a decision taken by the Irkutsk regional court on 25.01.56.
He came to NOVOSELOVO, where his wife and daughter lived in exile at that time. He continued to live there after his family had been released from exile.
F. SEIBERT's "file" was closed by the public prosecutors of the Krasnoyarsk region on 29.09.93.
Oct. 19, 1995, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society