There lived about 50 German families in Solianka; most of them were from the village of Dönhof, canton of Balzer, Volga-German ASSR (village of Vysokoe, Krasnoarmeysk district, Saratow region). Date of deportation: 20 September 1941.
Eva Filippovna’s family was carried off to the village of Karasuk, Bogradsk district, Autonomous Region of Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk territory (November 1941).
Filipp Andreevich Legler (father), born in 1907, was deported to the Kraslag (Reschoty) in January 1942. Later they sent him to Leninabad, SSR of Tadzhikistan, where he died in February 1947.
Yekaterina Yakovlevna Legler (mother), bron in 1907, was forced to work for the „trud army“ in the Bashkirian SSR, as from October 1942. She happened to get to the village of Bertushla, not far from Sterlitamak. She returned to Karasuk in January 1945. After the authorities had become aware of her return, she was ordered to come to the NKVD, where she was arrested. She was accused of desertion. Soonafter they took her to the prison in Minusinsk. The indictment was reviewed by the military court. It turned out that women with minor children were not to be sent to the labour army at all. Thus, Yekaterina Yakovlevna was released. She now lives near Solianka station.
Eva Filippovna Legler (Kaiser), born in 1930, was working for the timber industry in the second half of the 1940s. She had to fell trees about 40 kms away from the village (Karasuk). In 1949 the commandant’s office began to take make entries on the people’s eye and hair colour and other particulars. Nowadays she is an invalid of the 1st category. She is hardly able to walk. Her pension amounts to 85 rubels.
In 1930 they deported the following persons from the village of Dönhof to Kazakhstan
(region of Dzhambul):
There were two kolkhoz farms in the village of Dönhof, canton of Balzer, Volga-German ASSR – they were called „Komintern“ and „Karl Marx“. Eva Filippovnas family lived in No. 641. While the father was working for the kolhkoz farm, the mother had an outwork job for the weaving mill; at home there stood a loom.
In the „trud army“, in the village of Bertushla near Sterlitamak, there neither was a camp zone, nor were the labour armists accompanied by guards, but there was law and order – just like in a camp: if they did not fulfill the work norm (which surpassed the forces of most women), they simply reduced the food ration. There were only women in that place. The majority was from Dönhof. There were 16 brigades, consisting of 6 women each. They were forced to fell trees. Apart from this, the women had to load the wood on vehicles. Some women worked for the canteen, bakery or other facilities. Among these women was Eva Wilhelmovna Loringel, born in 1912. She is from Dönhof, too, and was deported together with the Leglers. When she was carried away into the „trud army“, she had to leave her three-year-old daughter in Karasuk. When she and her husband later returned to that place, they did not find the girl anymore, although they searched and investgated with all children’s homes all over the region. E.V. Loringel lives in Solianka, her husband died.
Andrey Yakovlevich Legler, born in 1899, worked in the village of Dönhof as a kolkhoz brigadier. After he had been deported they sent him to the labour army (there are no records on this). He survived. However, after his release, upon his return to Solianka, he was only skin and bones and entirely exhausted, so that they admitted him to the hospital of Saoserniy.
He died there soonafter, maybe because his acquaintances brought him too much too eat, which his organism would not tolerate. This is, at least, the version his wife was convinced of. Meanwhile she died.
Vasiliy Yakovlevich Legler, born in 1895, worked in the village of Dönhof for a weaving mill. he died in Solianka.
Ivan Mikhailovich Legler, who was also deported from Dönhof, was later taken to Igarka, where they arrested him. He was accused of having „read the bible“. He served a 7 years’ sentence. His daughter Yevgenia Ivanovna Kerber (or Körber) lives in Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the village of Bograd.
After having been deported, Jakob Andreevich Legler (the father’s brother), who was from Dönhof, as well, was taken to the „trud army“ (to Reschoty). Nothing is known about his fate.
Adam Andreevich Ditz was deported from the village of Kutter, canton of Balzer (near Dönhof), his wife, Amalia Yakovlevna Ditz (the cousin of Eva Filippovna) from Dönhof.
Andrey Vasilevich Kaiser, born in 1901, was working for the „Komintern“ kolkhoz in Dönhof as of 1929. He was deported to Saosyernaya station. From 1942 to 1946 he was forced to work for the „trud army“ in the Kraslag camp (sub-sector of Reshoty, 253(3)). His pension amounts to 45 rubels.
Yekaterina Yakovlevna Jakobi, born in 1913, now the wife of A.I. Kaiser (they live in the village of Novaya, Rybinsk district). She was working for the weaving mill in Dönhof as from 1930. She was deported to the village of Sarakash, district of Bograd, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Maria Georgievna Kaiser, born on the 14 March 1910 in the town of Balzer, Saratov region. German nationality. Got married to Alexander Ivanovich Mai on the 12 March 1928.
Maria Georgievna Mai. She was working as a housekeeper from 1924 till 1928,
The following deported Volga- Germans live at Solyanka station:
09 January 1989, 17 February 1990
Recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, „Memorial“ Organization