Nadezhda Ivanovna Kimadze, born on the 3rd of July 1952.
Her parents are from the Volga. She ist he only family member.
Yekaterina (Katharina) Jakovlevna Schaidemann (Scheidemann), born in 1925 (German)
Ivan Kondratevich Seichenko, born in Anapa in 1925 (Ukrainian).
Her parents were deported to Siberia for the one and only reason that they were Germans. They were just allowed to take along those belongs which they were able to pack up within 24 hours.
Nadezhda Ivanovna herself was already born in this place.
Her father had been a prisoner of war; and this was the reason, why he got to Siberia. He was taken here by barge. .
When they arrived they were their bodies were full of hunger swellings, and, due to the cold, they had wrapped their feet in rags all torn to pieces.
After the father had been deported, they sent him to harvest potatoes on the kolkhoz farm, but it was already very cold at that time; so her father had to gather frozen potatoes. Having received the permission to broil them by means of a camp flame, he threw them into the flames. As soon as they were done, he wanted to get them out of the fire, but the commander did not give him the permission and even threatened him with execution. Until today Nadezhda Ivanovna has a hostile attitude towards the man’s surname, but she was not willing to name it.
Interviewed by Yekaterina Berezneva, Valeriy Tsurov
(AB – Remarks given by Aleksei Babiy, Krasnoyarsk „Memorial“ Organization)
Sixth expedition of historical illumination and human rights, Momotovo, 2009