(Explanatory note: the lists contain two individuals called Rudolf
Rudolfovich Kraus, father and son. In this text we are talking about father
Kraus, the husband of Irma Genrichovna Fetzer).
He was born in the hamlet of Neuburg (Novogradovka), Odessa Region on the 10.09.1932; his family lived on a khutor. His fate during and after the occupation comprised his forced emigration to Germany and his deportation to Siberia – a repetition of the lot which also befell Irma Genrichovna.
R.R. is an utterly taciturn, secretive man, who is used to work hard instead of
being loquacious. All our questions were answered in details by his wife, and
according to his opinion there was nothing to be added either. I.G. told us that
R.R. had been working as a lumberjack for the timber industry for many years and
that he was awarded several prizes for having done a good job: a transistor, a
shirt, a samovar. His family is still keeping numerous certificates of honour.
When the question came up about possibilities to remove to Germany, R.R. spoke out strictly against this suggestion, for he is always busy, always pottering about. He just cannot imagine to sit there inactively. In Germany there will not be anything to do for him, and this means a by-word for death to him. At large all family mambers think that a man lives as long as he has enough work to do, tasks to fulfil.
P.S. We are sure that these people whose work live started when they were 13, are used to work a lot, just in the same way as they got accustomed to rely on themselves, have trust in their own strength – elsewise they would not be viable.
Interviewed by Irina Saranova and Maria Pichuyeva
(AB – comments by Aleksei Babiy, Krasnoyarsk “Memorial”)
Fifth expedition of history and human reights, Novokargino 2008