Born on 02.10.1929
Mother: Petrida Yakovlevna
Brother: Aleksander Petrovich
Sister: Viktoria Adolfovna
Sister: Emma Adolfovna
Sister: Berta Adolfovna
Brother: Adolf Adolfovich
Sister: Marta Adolfovna
Saratov Region, hamlet of Grimm
She successfully completed the 5th term in 1941, then went to visit her sister in Engels. The house in the village in which L.A. was born, was rented, while der sister lived in a house of her own.
Mother’s first husband died in 1914 during the war. He left behind his wife and son Aleksander Petrovich (born 1913). He passed his professional training in Moscow and died in Podtyossovo at the age of 95. Mother got married for a second time; she had four children, later three more children were born; one of the daughters died.
In 1941 the family was deported. Her sister was given 4 days to gather and pack all needed belongings; her mother had to get ready within 24 hours.
They were taken to Saratov by horses. There they were loaded on freightcars. The waggons were guarded by soldiers. They were provided with food very well and were treated not bad. Mother and children were sent to the village of Kargino; the sister was assigned to live in the Bogotl District, in the village of Vladimirovka (Vagino station). Five families were assigned to work for the kolkhoz farm. They had to regularly go and get registered with the commandant’s office.
The sister has two children. L.A. lived in the Bogotol District from 1941 till 1946.
They were accomodated in a big house together with two more families. The sister’s husband worked as a combine driver. The very first autumn was quite a hard one for all of them; they had to gather frozen potatoes in order not to starve. Later they received a cow. The children worked for the kolkhoz farm. They had to load the hay on carts and then remove it to its place of destination.
The husband’s sister was mobilized to the labour army; she got to Leninabad.
The sister went to live with her husband. The brother managed to find L.A.; he invited her to come to Podtyossovo to live there. He also put up his mother from Kargino.
Later he and his mother removed to the Ural. Some time later he returned, but his mother died there.
The 83 year-old sister lives in Sverdlovsk.
She worked for the bread shop as a baker and caretaker.
1953 heiratete sie.
The photo shows sister Marta
The interview was taken by Yelena Ponomaryova and Tatyana Vasilikhina
(AB . Remarks by Aleksei Babiy, Krasnoyarsk “Memorial“ organization)