Born 1944 in Vyerkhneimbatsk.
In earlier times the family (about 20 persons) lived in the town of Engels. His grandfather was a shoemaker, his father – a party worker.
Before the deportation his mother and father were not married; they only started their own family after their arrival in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In the autumn of 1941 his parents’ families were taken to Kansk by train. They had not even managed to take along a sufficient quantity of foodstuffs and clothes, for they had been forced to get ready for leave within 24 hours. Then, they were to get on a barge, which took them further to the north (via the river Jenisey) - to Kelag.
During the trip by barge there were lots of ice floes on the river.
Their attitude towards the local residents was normal.
His mother’s father was appointed head of the kolkhoz farm (A.B. This hardly was the case, because the authorities would not have appointed a special resettler to such a post – he probably became a head of some kolkhoz farm after the 1950s).
Once, his brother went hunting, caught an serious cold and died.
Konstantin Andreewitsch lived with his grandfather. They nourished on fish..
They were not permitted to leave the place. They had to regularly go to the commandant’s office and get registered. They imposed 20 years deprivation of freedom in a forced-labour camp for evasion of supervision.
He went to school in Kelag.
There were awfully many mosquitos and gadflies.
After his father had dies, his mother got married to a Russian and in the following gave birth to another 5 children.
They did not return to their hometown.
He served for the army in 1963.
The interview was taken by O. Krushinskaya und T. Dzhioyeva
(AB . Remarks by Aleksei Babiy, Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” organization)