Alfred RESEL, the son of Heinrich RESEL, German, was born in Peine, Germany, on 09.10.1899.
In the 30s he lived in MARXSTADT (Autonomous Republic of the Volga-Germans). He was arrested on 10.10.37, sentenced on 01.12.37 and shot by a firing squad in ENGELS on 06.12.37.
On 29.08.89 he was posthumously rehabilitated by the public prosecutors of the Saratov region.
In September 1941 his widow, Sofia Ivanovna RESEL, the children Gariy RESEL, Yuriy RESEL (born 1937), Hilda RESEL (1935-1992) and Irma RESEL were deported by the Communists from MARXSTADT to the KRASNOYARSK region. They had to leave the train in KANSK and were sent to the district of IRBEYSK, to a taiga LOG CABIN called KAKORINA. The younger son, Yura, died of starvation during the exile.
(Note: V.N. Kusmin is the son of Hilda Resel)
Aug. 09, 1993, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society