On 19.03.42 the Soviets deported the German family WALISER from the colony of NOVOSARATOVKA, VSEVOLOSHSK district, in the LENINGRAD region (on the right bank of the River Neva, opposite the Rybatski prospect):
They were all born in NOVOSARATOVKA and lived there at No. 136. H. WALISER worked on the Thaelmann kolkhoz farm as a driver.
The prison train was unloaded in KANSK. H. WALISER and his daughters were taken to the timber factory, but after only a few days they had to leave again. They came to the village of POLYANY in the district of NIZHNEINGASHSK (10 km away from TINSKAYA station). From there H. WALISER was forced into the "Trud-Army" in 1942. He was taken to KUZBAS Kuznetsk Basin, coal field), to OSINNSKI, where he had to work in the mine and was trapped approximately in 1943. Although he stayed alive after this accident, he was an invalid from that time. In view of this circumstance they released him early from the "Trud-Army" and allowed him to move to the district center of TYUKHTET (West of the KRASNOYARSK region), where his sisters were living in exile. In 1943 his daughters were carried off from the village of POLYANA to DZHIDA in BURYATIA. There they were put in a rural camp for women, which was fenced off with barbed wire. However, there were no watch-towers. Behind the barbed-wire fence stood four barracks (3 large ones and a smaller one), equipped with two-tier bed boards. Nearby, in a distance of about 100 m, there was another camp. a very "ordinary" one, with watch-towers and all the like.
In the camp Dorothea Jekaterina worked in the bookkeeping department, while Theresa was assigned to gang labour; she had to work in the field. In 1945 Theresa was sent to another camp - to ENKHOR (also situated in the DZHIDA district, in the Autonomous Buryat-Mongolian Republic). She was released in 1947 and received a passport. Dorothea Jekaterina was freed, as well; she went to her father to TYUCHTET. H. WALISER did not live to see his release. He lost his life in TYUCHTET during the exile.
H. WALISER and his daughters were rehabilitated on 11.11.97 by the GUVD (Main Admi-nistration of Internal Affairs) of the Leningrad region.
Dec. 14, 1998, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society