On 03.09.41 the Soviets deported the German family MEINGARDT from ENGELS (capital of the Autonomous Republic of the Volga Germans). They left in the 14th wagon of military transport Nº 824:
The train went straight into Siberia, and after 1-2 weeks they reached UZHUR station, from where the deportees, about 30 families, were taken by horse-drawn vehicles to the little village of KOSSOY LOZHOK in the district of SHARYPOV, approximately 20 km away from SHARYPOV. The family remained there in exile until spring 1942, when they started to send the women to the North, into the "Trud-Army". Emma and Emilia were sent away to ELOGUY in the district of TURUKHANSK for fishing, and the parents decided to go there with the whole family. In ELOGUY the father and Jekaterina's younger brother lost their lives.
In 1942 all ELOGUY merely consisted of a few small houses. About 20 German families happened to get there into exile. There did not live any further deportees in this place.
The commandant's office was dissolved in 1956.
Nov. 28, 1991, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society