Petr Ivanovich Nadezhdin (S.P.’s father) was born in 1902; he was the assistant manager of the “BurMongolLes” trust” (Buryat-Mongolian timber trust; translator’s note). They arrested him on the 1st August 1937. The Military Collegium of the USSR Supreme Court sentenced him on the 2nd June 1938 (this is what the cerificate says). He was rehabilitated posthumously on the 17th October 1957.
There still exist a few photographs: a portrait, a group picture showing the participants of the first Congress of Soviets of the East Siberian Region. The picture was taken on the 8th February 1931: Akulinushkin, Vysokos, manager of the river port – Ivan Mikhailovich Nazarov, P.I. Nadezhdin himself and about another 10 men; there is a group photo, as well, showing the economic and administrative staff of the Khorinsk logging area (VostSibLes trust) – it was taken on the 7th April 1936.
Administrative staff of the Khorinsk logging area:
Sitting from right to left: Nekrasov, P.G. Larkin, P.I. Nadezhdin, Bezsmertnykh,
Standing from right to left: Aleksandrov, G. Borisov, 3. Bakhrushev, 4. Shepelev,
5. Perinov, Pechkin, Karpukov.
First Congress of Societs of the East-Siberian Region – 8th February 1931
Anatoliy Pavlovich Baranov (V.A.’s father) was born in 1895. He was from the
Ural Mountains. He started his medical career as student of the university of
Kazan and finally graduated from Tomsk university. Afterwards he worked in
Kainsk (now Kuibyshev) as a doctor and was later appointed as assistant medical
director of the municipal hospital in Tatarsk, Novosibirsk Region, where he was
arrested and sentenced on the 4th November 1937 upon the decision of the
Military Court (Novosibirsk Military District). He was rehabiliated posthumously
on the 8th June 1956. There is a photo portrait showing him.
As of the second half of the 1940s S.P. Nadezhdina and V.A. Baranov were working in Dudinka, where they had been assigned to. V.A. was working for the production engineering department of the port traffic. The boss of this section was Vitaliy Borisovich Saitsev, who had served his sentence in the Norillag. The following prisoners were working for the production angineering department under permanent escort:
Among those who were under permanent escort was the exiled Volga German engineer Arthur Haller (or Galler), about 45-60 years old, and some other men, all about 30-35 years in age: Nikolai Grachev, Aleksei Kosych, Vsevolod Dmitrievich Lvov.
The following prisoners were working for the commercial section of the port: Kharitonov, Mikhail Dmitrievich, who had been working for the “Dnepropetrovsk Pravda” before his arrest, and Gorbunov, Nikolai Alekseevich – former secretary of the district committee in Leningrad.
During or after the period of detention, the former public prosecutor of Dnepropetrovsk Region, Leonid Braginskiy, the uncle of Emil Braginskiy, lived in Dudinka, too. I.G. Bokner (Moscow) remembers him very well. A certain Rodinov was working as a surgeon (first as a prisoner, later as an exile). For some time Aleksander Alekseevich Afanasev, an exile, was working as head of the port administration. Before his arrest he ahd been working as head of the Arctic Ocean route organization.
The former boss of the camp sector in Dudinka, Vasiliy Nikiforovich Shevkun (76 years) and his wife Galina Petrovna now live in Krasnoyarsk. The former public prosecutor of the Norillag, Mikhail Soldatov, lives in Krasnoyarsk, too. The cahirman of the camp court in Dudinka was Korshunov.
Recorded by V.S. Birger, December 1988