Ivan (Johann) Yakovlevich GEVEILER (1902-1938), and his family lived in KOLPINO (German colony of Kolpino) in Revolution Street No. 17, and worked as a control engineer (for inspection and approval) at the OTK (= Department of Technical Control).
On 21.02.38 he was fetched by Gerassim Alexeyevich SHMYRKO, security officer of the NKVD (People's Commissariate of Internal Affairs), who took him to the inner prison of the UGB (State Security Service).
Ivan GEVEILER was sentenced by the "Dvoika" (= out-of-court institution that sentenced people to death in their absence) on 22.06.38 and shot by a firing squad in LENINGRAD on 09.07.38. He was rehabilitated posthumously on 26.05.58 by the military tribunal of the Leningrad Military District.
The Communists deported his family from KOLPINO in the KRASNOYARSK region on 20.03.42:
They were unloaded in KANSK, then sent to the district of ABAN, and in 1943 taken to the Angara River, to a settlement called GOVORKOVO, in the district of BOGUTCHANY. There the exiles worked in the forestry.
The daughters were released from exile on 23.01.56, Jekaterina on 04.02.56. After her release Sofia GEVEILER went away to live in Krasnoyarsk.
Mother and sister settled in Kansk from 1958.
Mar. 26, 1996, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society