Roman (or Reinhold?) Josefovich SCHILLER, born in 1895, Austrian (probably from Transsylvania), was taken prisoner of war during World War I and afterwards stayed in Siberia. He lived there in the village of OSINOVO, village Soviet of BOL’ZHE-PESCHANSK, district of NAZYVAEVSK, OMSK region, and worked as a baker on a kolkhoz called “In Memory of Lenin”.
The Communists arrested him on the 09.07.1938 on section 58-10 (= counter-revo-lutionary propaganda and agitation). He was taken away by a certain CHASOVITIN from the district department of the NKVD (People’s Comissariat of Internal Affairs). During the house search that one brought out a certificate, a photography and a few debenture bonds.
Later, R. SCHILLER was probably detained in the OMSK prison.
After one year, on the 28.07.1939, the UNKVD (= Administration of the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs) closed his file “for lack of evidence”; nevertheless, R. SCHILLER was kept in prison for another period of two months, until he was finally released on the 08.10.1939. Nothing is known about his fate; in any case, he did not return to his village.
He was (posthumously) rehabilitated by the public prosecutor’s office of the Omsk region on the 30.06.2000.
15 Nov., 2000, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, “Memorial” Society