Born in the village of Klanfeld (Kleinfeld?), Ikojamsk (?) District, Saratow
Region, in 1928.
Zhe were deported on the 06.09.1941. The reached Krasnoyarsk on September 20; there they had to board some wooden barge which took them to a place called Galanino. In Galanino they were assigned the villages where they would live in the future. The Rein family got to Matveevka. In 1958, after the liquidation of the special commandant’ office, they removed to Momotovo.
In 1941 his father was drafted into the trudarmy; he had to stay there until 1944.
Ivan Ivanovich worked as a tractorist; he mowed hay, seeded and harvested cereals. Refusals to work did not happen at that time – but none of the workers would here any words of encouragement or receive any hortative awards, either; they were all alike in work.
Ivan Ivanovich never returned to his home region (the Volga Region).
Interviewed by Swetlana Mironowa
(AB – comments by Aleksei Babiy, Krasnoyarsk “Memorial”)
Sixth expedition of history and human rights, Momotowo 2009